Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Life

Oh gosh I am obviously horrible with keeping this blog up to date. Since so much time has passed i'm just going to start with now!

It's about three weeks until my 26 birthday; feels fairly normal. Those of you who don't know I have a history of getting a little freaked out about my birthdays since I was 22. After trying to figure out why I've realized its because once my birthday comes around I start thinking about my life, career, and friends and decide if i'm happy with where my life is, could I have done more? Now prior years i've gotten a little upset because I've felt as though I haven't accomplished as much as I could have however, i'm happy so say that this year I think will be a smooth transition to turning 26.

So this year:

I'd have to say the biggest change in my life would be my career. This has typically been the trigger for anxiety around my birthday. This year i'm very proud of where my career is so no anxiety about not doing much on the career front! I branched out to producer this last December and so far so good. Being a producer means that i'm only doing insurance sales and paid only on comission. Scary.....but it's been very profitable in some months then others it's been enough which is really all I can ask for at this point. Each year i'll be given comission on my renewals so in theory each year will be easier and easier. One of the hard things about being a producer is that i'm self employed now and can really just do what I want..which is going to be very hard this coming summer when all I really will want to do is be out in the sun not working at a desk. I assume i'll just keep pushing along through the summer and hope that my sales will not suffer due to the amazing weather!!

Hope everyone is doing well. I love looking at all the blogs and seeing updates on everyones life! I'll try to be better about posting my updates on here as well along with some pictures!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our House

So, since October when Bryan and I moved into our place my parents have been begging me to post pictures on here. With a few new decorative pillows and some candles i've decided that i'll finally post some here. A few details first - we live down a long gravel road, once you get down the road you see our house on the left then the driveway of another house. Our house is on a quarter acre that is fenced in and surrounded by trees and shrubbery, it's nice and sucluded. It's a two bedroom, one and half bath. We are about 10 minutes from downtown Sacramento and 30 - 45 minutes from Folsom where my mother lives.

Pics Below:

This is our house - the front of it, cute kind of country-ish, Byran hates the color - it's a peachish color that I think is cute!!

Our living room - we have these two huge windows one you saw in the picture of the outside of the house the futon looks right at that window.

Our dining room, Bryan is going to sand down and restain the chairs and table since the wood is looking pretty worn out.

Last but not least our kitchen, it's actually pretty big for being a small place - we have a cute little breadfast nook also!!

So there it is our place, it's perfect for us for now someday i'll have a house as fabulous as my parents new house!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Seven Things

Seven Things I can do:

~Try new things – I love going to new restaurants, places, etc.

~Watch Movies – On a rainy day I can’t think of anything better to do than veg out on the coach.

~Pick out a great bottle of wine- I love wine and understanding the difference between good and really bad – sorry dad!!

~Travel - I love to travel, I want to go everywhere!!!!

~Spend all my money on clothes – it’s horrible and I’m trying to calm down.~Learn – I’m constantly trying to learn new things, I get bored easily and always trying to jog my mind.

~Cook – I’m practicing cooking and loving having my house full of friends and family with a nice meal.

Seven things I can not do:

~Write in my journal – I used to be very good about this but the past few years I’ve slacked.

~Drive in the Rain – Seriously I get white knuckles!!!!

~Do Nothing - the older I get the more I get stir crazy, I have to be doing something constantly.

~Hang Up my clothes – I can’t seem to get in the habit up immediately hanging up my clothes.

~Stay Up Late – Bryan is an early bird so now low and behold I wake up at 5:30 every morning, 7:00 on the weekends…nights are interesting when we go out.

~Be around people all the time – I need my alone time, Bryan and my family will agree with this…don’t ask I just go a bit crazy, doesn’t mean I don’t love you though!!

~ Work Out – I’m horrible with this, I used to go to the gym and hour everyday, I’m working on it.

Seven things I say the most:

~Be Safe, Call me – Bryan has a motorcycle he commutes in when the weather permits….i’m a worry wort!

~That’s ridiculous – Sad I say this so much but I deal with the general public daily, we can be dumb!!

~I love you, promise, cross your heart, swear – it’s silly but I ask Bryan that all the time just for kicks.

~Frivolous – LOL this was my word of choice for a long time, hey I handle the claims at my job.

~What’s the Plans – I’m turning into a huge planner, I need to know every detail of everything.

~Miss you – I only live by my mom and family most of my family is in Utah and Idaho.

~No I’m studying – For the last two weeks and next to, my life!!

Seven goals for the New Year:

~Visit Natalie – Huge for me, I’ve always wanted to leave the country.

~Visit the new house – I can’t wait to see the new house!!!!

~See my Mom more – It’s horrible we live ½ hour away and we hardly see each other.

~Save Money – Self Explanatory

~Become self employed – I’m looking to be a producer this year, meaning commission only!!!

~Loose weight – Swim season is coming and we got people with boats.~Spend time in the mountains – camping, hiking, fire pits!!!!

Seven reasons I am falling in love with Bryan:

~He is so supportive –He has cooked dinner for two weeks to give me more time to study and cleaned!!!

~His friendships – he is a very good and supportive friend always there to lend a hand for his and my friends!!

~We are each other best friends – We love being around each other, he says to foundation of our relationship is making fun of each other…haha.

~He listens to me – Every day he asks how my day was, listens to the drama that might come up in my life as though it is truly interesting to him.~He loves me so much – We have been through a lot together but we know that we can work through it all.

~He loves his family – He will dr0p anything to help his family if they ask. I admire that and have wanted that in a man.

~He loves to travel – He gets stir crazy just like me!!!

~Seven really isn’t enough to explain it so I am leaving this the eighth open for all the other reasons – I agree with Natalie!!!

Seven things I love to eat:

~Chocolate – Has to be DARK chocolate, I don’t like milk.

~ Sushi – I love it

~ Moroccan food – My favorite restaurant is Casablance, you sit on the floor and eat with your hands.

~ Mexican food – Seriously I have a problem with tapatio!!

~Thai Food – chicken with rice and red curry – the spicier the better!!!

~Potatoes - what can I say I am an Idaho girl. – right there with you Natalie!!

~Oohhh chocolate covered strawberries!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So most of you know that I am working for an insurance brokerage. The company I work for focuses on E&O for Real Estate, Mortgage Broker and Property Management Professionals. Last September I went and got my Insurance license for Property and Casualty, this license is very broad and will allow me to do many common lines of insurance - auto, homeowners, E&O, Workers Comp, etc. Considering the state of the economy and the special emphasis on the real estate market it's needless to say that the company is not bringing in the same amount of money it has in the past.Though things are starting to look up a bit, more real estate offices are opening - I have my own theory about this though...I think more real estate offices are opening because people have been laid off and the job market is so tuff right now that some people are just trying to do something on their own.

So a little over two weeks ago I talked with my boss about expanding the lines that we are able to offer, it's never been done but it's something that we think will be very good for the longevity and strength of the company. We have been aproached by a company that offers life and health coverage, only problem was no one has their health, accident or life license. So I started studying for it goal was to complete the license within two weeks. When I got my last license it took me about a year to complete it, I wouldn't say it was hard (well it was hard but nor impossible) its just that I have a habit of fighting to get something then when I have it or the opportunity thats when i quit. I must just get bored or don't want to fight through it - classic starter but hard finisher!!!! So I wanted to get this license within two weeks to prove to my family, friends, boss and most importantly myself that I can say I want to do something and I will actually see it through and quickly. I've been studying like crazy these past two weeks set my exam date and just hoped for the best. Yesturday morning at 8:30 I drove down to the Department of Insurance in Sacramento and sat for my Accident and Health license...Roughly at 9:30 I submitted my exam, the proctor called me to the front of the room to give me my pass or fail results. The exam had 75 questions and i had to get 70% to pass. The proctor called me to the front of the room while about 20 more people were sill taking the exam, very very nervously I walked up to the proctor and she showed me = Congratulations you have passed your state exam of Accident and Health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With a huge smile across my face I walked out of the building, started towards my car, pulled out my phone and put the battery back in (if your phone goes off during the exam you automatically fail, afraid that just turning the phone off wouldnt work i went the extra step) I called Bryan and told him the good news, then called everyone who knew to tell them.

I think the point of this story is to just show everyone that you can complete things, you do have a lot of potential and all you have to do is put your mind to it and see it through. The passing meant more to me than now I can start working on other lines, it's more a sign to me that even though I might have a certain track history there is much more that I can do........

Next for me - I'm giving myself one week off from studying and Monday I start the prelicensing for my Life license.. my goal - two weeks.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

One Year

So Bryan and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Monday. It was so sweet we went to Scott's seafood for dinner, they have the best ciopinno ever. We had a great dinner then home and off to bed. The next day Bryan was sick and sick for three days, I felt fine until Thursday when my sinuses felt like they were going to explode and I was very drowsy..luckily by Friday Bryan felt well enough to baby me back to health and i've been sitting on the coach ever since...well expect for bed time.

OH the joys of the winter season........

Oh and on a side note - YAY for my sister Natalie, i am so proud of you and slightly jealous!!!! She just left for the Netherlands and is documenting her whole trip here with the blogging and it just is such a wonderful experience!!! Oh and yes Nat i'm working on the funds to go visit you for a bit while your there!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hair Cut!!!

I had to put this picture on, I cut my hair nothing big but now I have bangs...Girls you know what I mean about a new hair've got to show it off!!!!! The girl on the far right is one of my best friends!! She's always there for me if I need her!!!

Winding Down

So now that the holidays are behind us I have a little bit of time to update my blog

We had a wonderful Christmas, we split Christmas day with my family in the morning and Bryans family in the afternoon. He left to visit some family friends at about 3 and Iheaded back to my fam for the evening. It was a nice break.....New Years we spent the evening in Chico, to those who don't know Chico can be a wild and crazy party town, most thought that we would be up all night but no we went to bed by 1am!! Guess i'm getting old!!! HAHA.... It was a lot of fun we also had masks to wear which made it even more fun!!!
I got some good news at work, If you don't know back in September I got my Fire & Casualty Insurance license.. it took my about a month of studying to get it but got it done.. Now i'm going back and getting my Accident and Health License. My work is working on a partnership / referral agreement with a health and accident company, with this license i'll be able to participate in this agreement and hopefully bring in some commission from this merger...Regardless of the money it's going to be a great learning experience and add to my resume!! Who would have thought that I would love insurance...but hey if you need help with your insurance...I'm here!!!!


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